Stronghold vs stronghold crusader
Stronghold vs stronghold crusader

Honor - I feel like honor is a tertiary resource FF thought up because they couldn't really tie any of their new concepts to previously existing resources, and it doesn't really make sense from a gameplay perspective.

stronghold vs stronghold crusader

Compressing them into something like 4 or 5 would have made moving up a level more meaningful. I feel there's only one problem, you don't really need 10 technology levels when you only really unlock 1 or 2 things with every upgrade. Ranks give the player a sense of progression and help the early game units see more use, compared to games where everything is available from the start and everyone just builds knights/assasins/horsearchers until the player with the most of those units wins. Ranks - Ranks are effectively technology levels, so I'll describe them as such. The only downside is that the game's lack of collision detection comes to a head, and you have 100 dudes on one tile trying to muder a 100 dudes on an adjacent tile. It's such a small feature but it adds realism to sieges. Interiors - As in, being able to physically move your units around inside of castle structures. The only change I'd make is the one thing Crusader 2 got right, where there is neutral territory surrounding every single occupied estate on the map and the villages themselves are taken by marching your dudes in and informing the local populace that you are in charge now. It opens up more economic options, creates objectives outside of your castle to fight over and makes the world feel more alive. In order of good to poor execution:Įstates - The obvious next step in modelling a feudal society. I hate the ""Extreme"" re-release of Crusader 1 they did for mostly the same reasons. If it was like Dwarf Fortress with Skirmish it might have been alright but it's full of arcadey shlock that has no business in a mostly realistic castle simulator. 1 and Crusader require only minor patches after release, and were never fundamentally broken in the same way that the more recent games are. You have to remember that 2 was incredibly buggy and unfinished when it came out, something that every single Stronghold game since 2 has managed to replicate. Every game since has been trying and failing to recreate what made an old game good, but what made the old games good is that they were developed by people who knew what they were doing. A number of their new additions were actually good ideas, even if they weren't implemented in the best manner. SH2 I don't really hate because FF did try and advance the series in some kind of meaningful way.

Stronghold vs stronghold crusader